General Valuation 2012 (City of Cape Town) - Click HERE to browse their website
Need professional assistance with the lodging of objections regarding your municipal valuations?
The City of Cape Town’s 2012 General Valuation Roll (GV2012) was certified by the City Manager on 31 January 2013. The date of valuation of the GV2012 is 1 July 2012. All the properties have been valued as at the same date of valuation in order to ensure fairness. The roll will be open for inspection and the lodging of objections between 21 February and 30 April 2013.
The Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, No. 6 of 2004, states that all properties on the valuation roll must be valued at market value. Market value is defined as “the amount the property would have realised if sold on the date of valuation in the open market by a willing buyer to a willing seller”. The City’s valuations are based on actual property transactions (sales) that have taken place in the open market around the date of valuation.
Search the General Valuation Roll:
Click HERE to search.
When can you object?
The GV2012 roll will be open for inspection and the lodging of objections during 21 February and 30 April 2013.
How will you know about the objection period?
The GV2012 official notice sent to you will include details of how to object, and will include information on the objection period, how to obtain an objection form and valid addresses for returning the completed objection form. The objection period and venues will also be published in the local and community newspapers and the information will be available on the City’s website.
Our success rate for Valuation Court Hearings is 100%.
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The City of Cape Town’s 2012 General Valuation Roll (GV2012) was certified by the City Manager on 31 January 2013. The date of valuation of the GV2012 is 1 July 2012. All the properties have been valued as at the same date of valuation in order to ensure fairness. The roll will be open for inspection and the lodging of objections between 21 February and 30 April 2013.
The Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, No. 6 of 2004, states that all properties on the valuation roll must be valued at market value. Market value is defined as “the amount the property would have realised if sold on the date of valuation in the open market by a willing buyer to a willing seller”. The City’s valuations are based on actual property transactions (sales) that have taken place in the open market around the date of valuation.
Search the General Valuation Roll:
Click HERE to search.
When can you object?
The GV2012 roll will be open for inspection and the lodging of objections during 21 February and 30 April 2013.
How will you know about the objection period?
The GV2012 official notice sent to you will include details of how to object, and will include information on the objection period, how to obtain an objection form and valid addresses for returning the completed objection form. The objection period and venues will also be published in the local and community newspapers and the information will be available on the City’s website.
Our success rate for Valuation Court Hearings is 100%.
Kindly CONTACT us for a FREE quotation.